This is an update to the turbo project I posted about last month. I made a parts list and said I was going to change things around once I got to buying parts, and thats exactly what happened. Instead of buying a T25 turbo, I got my hands on a T28 turbo. A T28 is a hybrid between a T3 and a T25. I also deleted the adapter from the list because I have a hybrid turbo, which uses the T3 flange to connect to the manifold, which is T3.
I also recieved my blow-off valve (BOV for short) and turbo manifold. The BOV is a red Type RS BOV, which is the same one I had on the list. I also got my manifold which was the one I originally planned to get. All the parts look great so far. I am very happy with the project. I took some pictures of the parts.