The inexorable march of the seasons is upon us. Winter is breathing down the necks of people everywhere. That means white powder everywhere. It also means slush, road salt, and general wet nastiness in your Honda Civic. All of it can destroy an interior over time unless you add a few practical accessories to protect your ride.
The first practical part to consider is a set of all weather floor mats. These mats are designed from durable plastic with channels so that water and other mess are pooled in a drainage area. The mat can then be lifted out of your foot box area and drained without ever letting a mess touch your Civic’s carpet. Along the same line is a cargo mat for your trunk area. A poorly maintained interior is a major detractor when you try to resell your car and can lower its value by several hundred if not a couple of thousand dollars. Before you buy either of these accessories, be sure to do some internet research. Companies like WeatherTech and Husky offer all weather products that are specifically designed for the Honda Civic, insuring a proper fit that does not interfere with pedal use.
One area of the interior that is often overlooked is the seats. You are constantly rubbing across them, but ignoring the effects that friction, zippers, and other materials can have on them. Ignoring them until a tear happens, that is. A set of seat covers could be the best solution. Whether you prefer neoprene or the look and feel of leather that leatherette provides, you need to take care to buy a product that is designed for your Honda Civic. Generic fit brands may cause the seat cover to bunch or just be too tight to fit correctly.
One last Honda Civic accessory to consider is a remote start. Installing a remote start has nothing to do with being too lazy to walk out to your car. It has everything with wanting to get into a warm vehicle first thing in the morning. Just remember to leave the heat running when you shut your car down for the night.
With snow in the immediate forecast in several areas of North America, now is the time to start thinking about your Civic’s interior and future resale value. A quick look online will lead you to the right products for your car.